We are consistently improving our platforms and user experiences. Learn about the latest updates and current studies.
Career Training Courses Updated Student Enrollment Agreement
The ed2go Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA), which students enrolling in advanced career training courses sign (unless a partner is presenting their own SEA), has been updated to reflect a process change with student enrollment holds. Because student holds are now processed and lifted automatically, the following statement has been removed from the Hold Policy, section 8: If the Student remains on hold for more than ninety (90) days, the student shall be dropped from the program without a refund and the student’s grade shall be shown as Incomplete on the school’s records.
Student Preference Center
Students now have access to a robust preference center where they can manage what marketing communication they wish to receive from e2go. A link to the preference center is included with all student ed2go marketing communications
Exam Pass Rate Notice Study
Students completing a number of the ed2go career training courses pass their certification exams at a higher rate than the national average. To help students understand how enrolling in an ed2go course can impact their success in achieving certification and ultimately lead to more enrollments, we will be testing a pass rate notification to students. This notification will appear on several allied health courses on advanced career training sites where the ed2go enrollment pass rate is higher than the national average. The call out to students on these select courses will state: Get Exam-day Ready | Our student pass rates are higher than the national average.