Fundamentals Modality Name Changes

Effective February 29, 2024, the Fundamentals ILC offerings will become Instructor-Moderated Courses (IMC), and SPT offerings will become Self-Guided Courses (SGC). Updates to ed2go’s Partner and student-facing resources and platforms will be made to reflect these changes.  


Why is this change occurring, and what are the benefits?

During a recent analysis of buying behavior across all Partners over the past three years, we have noticed a consistent trend toward self-guided products. Based on consumer feedback, we have found that the term “instructor-led” may imply live instruction and using “instructor-moderated” is a better way to describe how the product works. Using “course” in one modality and “tutorial” in the other caused confusion for students.  


From this feedback, we have made changes to decrease student confusion by introducing improved modality names that more accurately describe the learning experience. The revised modality names were chosen based on consumer behavior and survey data from students, ed2go Partners, and the general population.  

Note: The product experience and the level of instructor involvement as a moderator, not a live instructor, will remain unchanged.  

What action is required by my institution?

As a valued ed2go Partner, we request that you ensure your catalog is updated to reflect these changes. ed2go web pages, including those hosted by us and branded for your institution, will be automatically updated. This will ensure that your students are aware of the change and can make informed decisions about their learning journey. If you have customized your Online Instruction Center welcome page, about us page, or order confirmation messaging to include references to the current course modalities, you will need to update those references. 


If you have questions or concerns, please contact your Account Manager