Certificate of Completion Verbiage Update Notification

We would like to bring to your attention a growing concern raised by students regarding the absence of completed hours being included on the Certificate of Completion. This missing information has hindered their ability to provide the necessary documentation to sit for certification exams. 

To address this issue, we have made an update to the verbiage on the Completion Notification sent to Partners. The following statement has been added to our Completions Notifications: 

“This student has completed the total amount of hours required. Please be sure to include the number of program hours on the Certificate of Completion so the student has sufficient documentation for certification purposes.” 

While we understand the design and issuance of the Certificates of Completion are up to the discretion of the Partner, we have observed an increase in the number of requests for additional information to be included.  By including this statement in the notification, we aim to reduce escalations and address student concerns temporarily. Based on recent conversations with Product, it sounds as though we may need to meet and discuss a larger initiative to provide more detailed certificates for programs that have the end goal of certification. 

We kindly request that you communicate this change to your respective teams and ensure they are aware of the updated Completion Notification. Should any Partners have questions, please address them promptly and provide the necessary clarification.